👁‍🗨Featured👁‍🗨 “PURPLE FUTURE RADIOOOOO” by Radiooooo.com x Purple Magazine

Eulalie has participated in the project “Purple Future Radiooooo” by the music time machine app Radiooooo.com and Purple Fashion Magazine. Musicians and artists from around the world were imagined music in the year 2070.

The project invited musicians and artists from all over the world to create an original song on the theme of the year 2070.
Radiooooo is a music time machine app that selects songs according to location and time period, and a radio service that allows users to listen to songs from all over the world by decade and country, from 1900 to the present day. For this project, a new ‘2070’ tab has been created on the Radiooooo platform, which allows users to listen to the participating songs by moving forward in time to the future. In addition, the songs will be presented daily on the website of the leading independent French fashion and culture magazine Purple Fashion Magazine.

Eulalie’s comments on the songs below.

Eulalie’s Comment :
I have contributed a new song “Dream Machine” to this project.What will music be like in 2070? Is the future a utopia? Or is it dystopian? When I was approached to take part in this project, I fantasised about the year 2070 for me.
I imagined a world of magnificent buildings higher than the clouds and continuous rain. For the privileged few who live in skyscrapers, it will be commonplace to spend holidays in space. But for many people left behind on the ground, the sky will be blocked by buildings and they will be not able to even see the sky.The world of the future, like the present, will be a paradise for some, but for others it will be something they have to distract themselves to get through.I envisioned a future that is both a utopia and a dystopia.In such a future world, music would become more personal along with technology.I have a fantasy of a ‘Dream Machine’, a machine that shows me the dreams I want to have. In a small room, I find my place in sleep with the machine. I created this music with the image of the start-up sound of such a Dream Machine and the music when the consciousness enters an online dream.I hope you enjoy the music from the year 2070 here you can only hear.

Listen 2070’s music : https://radiooooo.com?share=6254f9378c176f02f34a4af5

About “Purple Future Radiooooo” : https://purple.fr/diary/purple-future-radiooooo/